Price Guide (AUD)
$4,160.00+ 4160.0
Pinch was envisioned as a seating bench / coffee table which would provide contrasting conditions to conceal and display magazines. The 'pinched' end forms a shadowy slotted shelf to store away ugly magazines such as celebrity gossip mags, TV guides, pornography or whatever the user's personal vice may be.
At the other end of the piece; embedded, brushed aluminum strips provide an exposed location to hang the latest copy of Wallpaper, Time, The Economist, or whatever it takes to impress even the most pretentious of friends.
You can watch our short film entitled 'The story of Pinch Bench' at the following link:
Pinch is individually stamped with an edition number 1-49 and once exhausted will never be reproduced. The piece is available in Classic (Jarrah & Vic Ash) or Blond (Vic Ash).
Product Category
Benches, Other Seating
Wood, Concrete,
Coffee Table, Bench, Seating, Jarrah, Vic Ash
In Progress: 1
Completed: 4
Positive Feedback 100% (3 reviews)
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